Pema Chödrön
“You begin to trust in your basic goodness instead of identifying with your neurosis. There’s a shift of allegiance. Then the obstacles begin to seem temporary, and what’s permanent is the wisdom. To the degree that you become intimate with your neurosis—not acting-out and not repressing—to that degree you discover your wisdom.”
Alan Watts
“You didn’t come into this world. You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here.”
Ram Dass
“To have finally dealt with suffering is to consume it into yourself. Which means you have to, with eyes open, be able to keep your heart open in hell.
You have to look at what is, and say, ‘Yeah, Right.’
And what it involves is bearing the unbearable. And in a way, who you ‘think’ you are can’t do it. Who you ‘really’ are can do it.
So that who you think you are has to die in the process.”
Gregory Orr